Angell Coat of ArmsAngells in America
                                                             By: Tommy Morris Angell

This document is a random list of Angells, especially the Solomon Angell line.  It starts with the immigrant Thomas Angell who, in 1631, came to America on the Good Ship "Lyon". (Thomas Angell was an apprentice to the famous Roger Williams who was brought to trial for his rebellious philosophies concerning separation of church and state and the rights of the Indians to keep their land.)  This document ends with Thomas Angell's descendant Tommy Morris Angell who was born in 1946.  Emphasis is given to the Solomon Angell (1806) line of Angells.

In my research, I've found that many of the details concerning the first American generations of Angells differ somewhat, depending on their source.   I've given the most weight to details that have been repetitious yet from completely different sources; however, I've chosen to use details, including dates, which seem most likely to be accurate; there are bound to be mistakes.


Thomas Angell wife Alice Ashton


Thomas Angell was born England before 1619, he died in Providence, RI between August 1688 & 1694.  (the time his will was proved)

When Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts, Thomas Angell a husky youth of eighteen, noted for his great size and physical stamina, accompanied Williams through the wilderness during  January of 1636, guiding Williams though forest and swamp, tending him in his illness, sharing his perils and privations, and nearly dying of starvation until the gentle Narragansett Indians befriended them.

 Thomas Angell was one of the twelve signers of the Providence Oath of Allegiance.  A forceful and opinionated man, he held many town offices. He was a member of the Town Council in 1650 and was also surveyor and commissioner that year.  

An interesting, and amusing incident has been recorded: --even though Angell was frequently associated with matters of defense, upholding of the law, and other physical matters, he did have a citation. A Mr. Robert West filed a complaint against Thomas Angell on 27 August 1646 for having trapped and attacked some of West's swine with a pitchfork after they had entered Angell's property in July. Thomas killed a sow and "bruised as black as a shoe" some of the pigs. Angell was ordered to pay damages for the dead sow and for the value of her skin, which had been torn by the pitchfork.

*NOTE  Thomas Angell's birth and marriage dates are somewhat different in the LDS GEDCOM, but the spouse and death dates are the same.




John Angell  

 Wife: Ruth Field

Birth: abt 1645 (Providence, RI)

 Death 1720

Marriage 1669  

Sealed: ____

Hope Angell

wife: Lydia Olney

Birth: 1685  (Providence, RI)

Death: 1759

Marriage: 1712

Sealed: ____

Abiah Angell 

Wife: Freelove Smith

Birth: 1715 (Providence, RI)

Death: 1760

Marriage: 1738

Sealed: ____

Solomon Angell

Wife: Mary TRIPP

Birth: 1741 (Providence, RI)

Death: 1806

Marriage: 1767

Sealed: ____

James William Angell


 Phoebe Ann Morton

Birth: 1776 (Providence, RI)

Death: 1850

Marriage: 1824

Sealed: ____ 




I’ve done no research on this Solomon

some early marriage disparities;  was baptized & crossed the plains with the saints

From this point on, I'll be writing about Angells who spent their lives in the West and were involved, someway, with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Four of the main people that I'll be writing about are named Solomon, including my Dad.  For the most part, I'll refer to them as Grandpa Solomon (1805), Grandpa Saul (1861), Grandpa Elmer(1890), and Dad (1925) or (Grandpa Curley).


Solomon Angell


Solomon Angell 1806

Birth: 1806  (Providence, RI)

Death: 1881 (Leeds, Utah)

(practiced plural marriage (4-5 wives); this document will follow Lucinda Clark Hutchings

Eunice Clark Young

Birth:  1809  (Glocester or Foster, Providence, RI) 

Death: 1879  (Leeds, Utah)  (70 years old

 Marriage date: 1824

Sealed: ______
She had 9 children.
(Solomon was 18 & Eunice was 15)


 Lucy Ann Fry

Birth: 1817

Death: 1863 SLC  (43 years old) 

Marriage date: 1852 E.H.

Sealed: 1857

I found her baptism date: 7 March 1857 & her sealing date:??1857
* I find this hard to believe because she was married in the Endowment House on Sept.11, 1852


  Lucinda Clark Hutchings 

Lucinda Clark Hutchings AngellBirth: 1822  (Utica, Clark County, Indiana) Death: 1905 (where?) 83 years old

Marriage date: July 5th 1857

Lucinda was the mother of  Solomon/Sol Angell, my great grandfather.  This is the line we will follow from here on.  Grandma Lucinda was first married, in 1839, to a Mr. Shepherd Pierce Hutchings, and had 7 children by him; she had  2 children by Grandpa Solomon.

  (when married, Solomon was 51 & Lucinda was 35)


 Birth:  1835 Born in Kyrkefalla, Sweden 

Death: 1914 (Leeds, Utah) 79 years old

Marriage date: 1863

Sealed ____
(Solomon was 57 & Anna Cajia was 28)

Lucy Decker

Birth: ???

Death: ??? 

Marriage date: ???

Sealed: ____
I can find no other information!  If it wasn't for the fact that the church records, as well as my Grandma Maria's old, but extremely accurate genealogy book listed her, I would doubt that she existed. I can't find her on the 1880 Utah census.  Solomon’s brother-in-law, Brigham Young, married a Lucy Decker


  Solomon Angell-General Authority
1806 – 1881

There are five Solomon Angells in the Thomas Angell line. Because he was a General Authority in the church, and a close friend of Brigham Young, Solomon /1806  has by far the most recorded history.

When Grandpa Solomon was 10 years old family difficulties occurred which caused a separation of his parents; three years later they got back together, and later were baptized into the church. A very early member of the church, Grandpa Solomon was baptized in 1834, and almost immediately was recruited into Zion’s Camp, the expedition from Kirtland, Ohio to relieve the saints in Missouri who were suffering persecution at the hands of the mob. After the camp was disbanded, Solomon returned to the Kirtland area, where the following year, 1835, as a result of his valor and faithfulness, he was ordained a Seventy and called into the First Quorum of the Seventy, a presiding quorum of the Church, thus entering the ranks of a General Authority.


After the expulsion of the saints from Nauvoo, Grandpa Solomon and his family along with his mother and some siblings,  migrated west with the saints, arriving in Utah in 1848.   Grandpa Solomon's younger brother, Truman  and his next youngest sister Mary Ann, made the trek the year before.


Grandpa Solomon's mother, Phoebe Ann died in Salt Lake City, November 4th 1854, at 69 years of age; his father, James William, died November 7th 1850, at 74 years of age;  I don't know where. As near as I can tell, although I'm not certain,  James never came to the Salt Lake Valley. Again I can't be certain, but because of the way it's recorded, there is a possibility that  James/1776  is buried in his Dad's plot in Providence Rhode Island. (For some reason, this info is given when the Providence RI cemetery plot # PV009 is investigated)

James Angell's (1776-1850; S/O Solomon & Mary (Tripp)) daughter Mary Ann (1803-1882) 
 married Brigham Young as his second wife 2 years after the death of his first wife and 
8 years before he took his first plural wife. 

In my research I discovered that the famous Roger Williams, who was closely associated with Grandpa Thomas Angell-1618, was buried in the same cemetery as Solomon's lot is in.


Grandpa Solomon was considered a master-of-all-trades; because of his ability to read and work from  blueprints, sketches and drawings, he worked closely with his younger brother Truman in the actual construction of the buildings that Truman did the architectural work for.  Later, when the construction of the Salt Lake temple began, five years after his arrival in the Salt Lake Valley, Grandpa Solomon went right to work on the temple; he actually  hauled, the temple's corner-stone from the quarry to its existing location!  Because of Grandpa Solomon's ability to plan, organize and direct work, for many  years he was one of the foremost carpenters in charge of many different facets in the temple construction. 




During the winter of 1868, Solomon (age 63) accompanied his brother-in-law, Brigham Young (age 69), to Southern Utah for some rest and relaxation. Grandpa Solomon only took two of his wives, Anna Cajia Johanson (age 35), and Eunice Clark (age 60) his youngest and oldest. Grandma Lucinda (age 47) did not go; she supposedly stayed in Mt. Pleasant with her family including Grandpa “Sol” who was only eight (8) years old. Old pictures taken in Leeds Utah show her there at one time; she was not buried there however.

Amelia, Brighams favorite wifeBrigham Young built an elaborate winter home in St. George and  made many extended visits there for the remainder of his life. Like Grandpa Solomon, Brigham Young alsoMary Ann Angell "Mother Young"only took two of his 27 wives, Amelia Folsom (age 31) his "favorite", and Grandpa Solomon's sister  Mary Ann (age 66) his oldest. 
Mary Ann was referred to by all as "Mother Young"
 and was loved by all of the other wives.                                                                                                                          
Amelia, on the other hand, was nearly his youngest and was very unpopular with the other wives!
Amelia's piano Dining Room Winter Home Brigham & Amelia's bed
The pictures are of Brigham Young's winter home in St. George

Grandpa Solomon was 63 years old and enjoyed the warm Southern Utah climate! In the mountains, just 17 miles north of St. George, Silver had been discovered and people were moving there fast!  Many settlers who had tried to make a living in the St. George area with the failing cotton industry, chose to give up their farms and take up mining. Grandpa discovered an abandoned grape farm near the mining area and could see the potential; he became a grape and vegetable farmer! Later he planted all of his acreage into grapes. Silver Reef, a mining town just two miles away, was growing fast and the market for grapes was intense.The population of Leeds was also growing fast Grandpa Solomon was appointed Presiding Elder of the Leeds Ward, St. George Stake May 9, 1869, by Erastus Snow. He held that calling until 1876. For a couple of years Solomon also worked on the  St. George temple construction, (which only took 5 years) Grandpa Solomon's younger brother, Truman, was asked to make the master plan and Grandpa Solomon was asked to work on the finer woodworking details.  Grandpa Solomon's contributions to the St. George temple were not as extensive as was the time he spent on the Salt Lake temple. 

    In  October, of 1870, Grandpa Solomon traveled to Salt Lake to get Grandma Lucinda and attend a gathering of the surviving members of Zions Camp; there were 31 other members there besides himself. It was discovered that Federal Authorities were openly arresting members of the church including Brigham Young for lascivious cohabitation with polygamous wives. Consequently, Grandpa Solomon did not take Grandma Lucinda back to Leeds as planned.  I'm not sure, but I can find no evidence of those two ever seeing each other again.

Grandpa built a rock house beside a full flowing spring now known as Angell Springs and raised grapes for his few remaining years. (Grapes are still being raised there!)  The original walls of the house are still standing and a new roof has been added!  The entire south wall of the house is one huge bolder!

Angell Springs/ 2009 Residence Of the Solomon Angell Family The south wall was one large boulder

Solomon died in 1879 at 73 years of age and was preceded in death by his first and second wives, Eunice and Lucy Ann. 

Note: Brigham Young and Grandpa Solomon were very close friends; a further measure of the esteem with which Grandpa Solomon was held  is seen in the fact that on March 23, 1847 Brigham Young adopted Solomon as a son.



Attn. The section below is still under construction *note to see enlarged versions of the “thumbnail photos in this section, just click on them.


Solomon  (Sol) Angell

 wife: Mary Eliza Raymond

Birth: 1861  (Salt Lake City)

Death: 1922  (Macleod, Alberta, Canada)

Marriage: 1885


Grandpa Sol was born into a plural marriage family. His mother, Lucinda,  had been married previously to a Mr. Shepherd Pierce Hutchings. (See Lucinda Clark Hutchings Angell for details) When Grandpa Sol was just two years old, his Dad married a third wife, a young woman from Sweden who was only 28 years of age.
When Sol's dad (Solomon-1806) went to St. George to work on the temple, ten year old Grandpa Sol stayed with his mom and later went to work as a water-boy in the mines at Spanish Fork; he remained a miner for many years.
Limited, but valuable Information readily available, but not composed yet
** keywords to be used for further construction of this web site.

Egin , Hamer, Edmunds, sand, ditches, sub irrigating, Daughters of Utah Pioneers DUP,  religious,  born in covenant

Mary Eliza Raymond

Limited information readily available, but not composed yet

** keywords to be used in further construction of this web site.
 born in covenant,  parents endowed and sealed,


Solomon Elmer Angell
wife: Susannah Maria Rose

Born: 1890  (Mount Pleasant, Ut)

Died:  1947 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah

Married: 1917


       Grandma Angells homestead

 Cliff Lake Homestead    Cliff Lake Area                                                                                       Cliff Lake Area

     Much more valuable information readily available, but I haven't composed or organized it yet. 
** keywords to be used in further construction of this web site. parents endowed and sealed, Cliff Lake,

 Montana Homestead 512 acres from 4 different parcels of land dated 01/21/1926


Susannah Maria Rose

Valuable Information readily available, but not composed yet

** keywords to be used in further construction of this web site.



Solomon Elmer Angell  (Curley)

wife: Blanch Allen

Valuable Information readily available, but not composed yet
** keywords to be used in further construction of this web site. rodeo, powerline, ranch, pilot license, boxing, broken neck, chin ups, athletic ability

Blanch Allen

Valuable Information readily available, but not composed yet
 ** keywords to be used in further construction of this web site:  Relief Society president,



Tommy Morris Angell wife: Christina K. Obrey
 Valuable Information readily available, but not composed yet

   Tommy Morris Angell (b 8-5-1946, Idaho),

who is the son of Solomon Elmer (Curley) Angell (b 12-9-1925, UT),
who was the son of Solomon Elmer Angell (b ?-?-1890, ID),
who was the son of Solomon (Saul) Angell (b ?-?-1861, UT),
who was the son of Solomon Angell (b 1-21-1806, RI),
who was the son of James William Angell (b 10-15-1776, RI),
who was the son of Solomon Angell (b a1741, RI),
who was the son of Abiah Angell (b 7-1-1715, RI),
who was the son of Hope Angell (b 12-22-1685, RI),
who was the son of John Angell (b a1644, RI),
who was the son of Thomas Angell (b 5-1-1618, England), (first Angell in America)
who was the son of James Henry  Angell (b a1592),
who was the son of William Angell,
who was the son of Captain Robert Angell.

keywords to be used in further construction of this web site.
St. Anthony, Johnny Woodfield homestead, Middle Branch of Fall River,
 School teacher, Outfitter and Guide, Ran homeplace,

Christina Kay Obrey
Valuable Information readily available, but not composed yet





This manuscript is an on-going thing.  I add to it as I obtain new or change in some way the existing information. If you have anything that you feel might add to this web site, no matter how trivial, please share it with me!  This includes photos, dates, handed-down stories, etc..  As you can tell, I've spent most of the time, so far, researching information from the older descendants. Much of the information concerning the "younger generation" is more readily available, but I want more photos and hand-me-down stories to go with it.

Tom Angell

Halo Ranch
2725 E 600 N
St. Anthony, ID 83445

home phone (208) 624-7777
cell phone  (208) 390-8883
business phone; (208) 558-7077

Some of the manuscript  information for this web site was derived from:
Suzzana Maria Angell, 1892, personal, handwritten, genealogy volumes

Angell, Solomon, 1848, 42, NA, Roster found in Heart Throbs of the West, Volume 9, Pages 469-521

Angell, Solomon, 1848, NA, Brigham Young-1st Division, J.H. Supp. after 31 Dec. 1848 p. 1-10 microfilm 1259737

Young, Eunice, 1850, 8, NA, 1850 Utah Federal Census on Microfilm 25540

Montana Bureau of Land Management Database for the states of Montana
Leeds, Washington County, Utah Cemetery
Mormon Chronology Rev 01 Volume 04
Selected Collections from the Archives of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints DVDs, Volume 1, Disk 19 (MS 3432).

Some of the internet  information for this web site was derived from: - 28k


Some of the written, non-published, and oral information was obtained from:

*Constance Leora Matti Brown,  Red Deer Alberta

*Mike Empy,  Leeds, Utah
*A.W. Angell,  St. Anthony, ID
* Clarence Angell,  St. Anthony, ID
* Curly Angell, Wilder, ID
* Lane Angell, Leeds, Utah
(and many others)


Assorted, Diverse, Information Concerning the Angell Family's Association With the LDS Church.

These two selections were taken from the autobiography of Truman Osborn Angell:
1. ---------"The Manti and Logan temples I was called to take in charge, but in consequence of their being about 100 miles either way, they were taken off my hands; for they needed the care of the Architects and builders on the grounds, and were accordingly placed in charge of my two assistants, T. [Truman] O. Angell, Jr., taking the Logan Temple and William H. Folsom the one at Manti. The labor on the Salt Lake Temple needed me here to conduct it properly.
  (The logan Temple was designed by Solomon's nephew, Truman Osborn Angell, not his brother Truman as most people think.)

2. ------------"Before closing this writing I desire to mention an important incident in connection with the Kirtland Temple. After the building was dedicated, a few of us, some six or eight, having Patriarch Joseph Smith, Sr., in company, went morning and evening to pray, entering at the west end of the [Kirtland] Temple and going clear through to the east stand. This we enjoyed very much. The stand being enclosed by curtains or veils made it quite by itself and a good place to pray with none to molest. One evening, having been in the country, I was too late to enter with the brethren. The company would not emerge till quite dark. I had tried the door and knew they were at prayer. I felt out of place and went to my house, but soon came out and met Brother Brigham Young, inquiring for Oliver Cowdery. I said I had not seen him.

We walked out towards the [Kirtland] Temple, approaching the building on the side which was used for the Prophet Joseph and his counselors, a portion of the attic on the east being especially appropriated to their use. In the said attic, and right over the stand where the brethren were praying in the hall below were two windows in the gable end to help give light to his compartment or room, the windows being 12 or 14 feet apart, and unusually high from the floor; being nearly 4 feet to the bottom of the lower sash.

When about ten rods distant we looked up and saw two personages; before each window, leaving and approaching each other like guards would do. This continued until quite dark. As they were walking back and forth, one turned his face to me for an instant; but while they walked to and fro, only a side view was visible. I have no doubt that the house was guarded, as I have had no other way to account for it.

I insert this note thinking it may do someone good as it has me. With great fatigue, I have arrived at the present date, March 20, 1884. -- Truman Osborn Angell, Sr.,  T. J. Angell: Scribe 
(*note: I don't know who the scribe, T.J. Angell, was.  --TMA

P.S. The panoramic statements as above given are not intended for Church history, for that is designed for the Church historian; and hence my brief account may be accounted for as herein set forth. But I might not be noted in that history, for their account is for Church purposes and not for me. But I was eyewitness to much as I passed on to date, 1884, and took my share, I think. Here let me conclude my ramble. I feel very feeble in health and about worn out, so farewell to all my true friends. May the Lord bless you in doing right." -- T. O. Angell.  


Joseph Smith and Grandpa Solomon were born within a few months of each other; both of their families moved to New York and their families were associated.  The following is an excerpt is from the autobiography of Solomon's youngest sister, Caroline:  "I left with my parents, Providence, the place of my birth, when I was six years old. The next month after I left there we traveled by steam and canal boats to Buffalo; hence to China, now called Java, in New York State. There I, with the rest of my family, first heard the gospel. and all that was there joined the Church but me, I being only seven years of age. In February 1837 we  moved to Kirtland, State of Ohio, the first gathering place of the Saints. There I became acquainted with Prophet Joseph and his father, mother, brothers, sisters, and his wife Emma. At this time, the mob spirit was raging and they caused untold misery and suffering to the Church and its members. They went to the prophet's house in the night, dragged him out of bed, and some distance from his house, laid him on a pile of lumber and beat him till his spirit left his body and stood overhead, witnessing the mob beat his body; now he could not feel it hurt. They took all the clothing off his body and covered his flesh with tar and feathers and tried to administer poison to him. They left him for dead; he regained consciousness and managed to get back to the house. By this time, a number of brothers and sisters had assembled at the home of the prophet, glad he had returned, but sorry to see the condition of his person. They spent the remainder of the night in cleaning off the tar and feathers and dressing the wounds.  O dear, how dreadful!


An interesting note concerning the St. George Temple.
 During the final stages of construction, Brigham Young felt that something was not right; he did not like the tower and dome. In his own words, "They are too short and squatty." He suggested an immediate change but the people, worn out after their non-stop effort to build the Temple refused, soon his objection to the tower and dome was forgotten. On October 16th, 1878, a year after Brigham Young's death, there was a terrible storm of crashing thunder, rain and flashing lightning. A tremendous bolt struck and destroyed the Temple tower and dome that Brigham Young had so disliked. When things calmed down the unanimous feeling was that even in death, Brigham Young had his way!

(* note: See Zion's Camp Veterans, 10th block down)

Minutes of the FIRST PRESIDENCY February 14, 1835


God remembers the hardships of those who went to Zion. They are to be ordained to go forth to prune the vineyard for the last time before the Lord comes. Fifty-six (56) years more (1896) and it will all be over. From this hour "the works of God shall begin to break forth" and those present will be endowed with power. The Three Witnesses select Twelve Apostles. Lyman E. Johnson, Brigham Young, and Heber C. Kimball are blessed.



Joseph Smith





Not named.





Joseph rises, calls the meeting to order, reads John 15, and says, "let us endeavor to solemnize our mind that we may receive a blessing by calling on the Lord … let us pray."


John 15 uses the vine-branch-husbandman metaphor to express the relationship of Jesus to his followers and the Father. Commandment to love one another. Those who persecute him will persecute his followers.

Zion veterans seated together


After a "appropriate" and "affecting" prayer, the brethren who went to Zion are asked to be seated together.


God called the meeting


Joseph rises and says this meeting is being held because commanded it "by vision and by the Holy Spirit."



Zion's Camp trials


He then relates some of the problems the camp had experienced and says,



God's purpose

Ordain veterans

To go on mission

… God had not designed all this for nothing, but he had it in remembrance yet, and those who went to Zion, with a determination to lay down their lives, if necessary, it was the Will of God, that they should be ordained to the ministry and go forth to prune the vineyard for the last times, or the coming of the Lord which was nigh,



56 years to the end (1896)


even fifty six years, should wind up the scene.



From this hour

Whisperings of Spirit

Endowed with power


He said many things, such as the weak things, even the smallest and weakest among us shall be powerful and mighty and great things, should be accomplished by you even from this hour. He said, you should begin to feel the whisperings of the Spirit of God, and the works of God shall begin to break forth from this time. You shall be endowed with power from on high.



Vote of support


Then he calls on all of those who went to Zion who agree with these statements to rise on their feet. (All do.) Then all others who "would sanction the movement." (All raise their right hand.)



Zion's Camp veterans


Those who went to Zion:






Joseph Smith Jr.
F. G. Williams
Hyrum Smith
Martin Harris
Roger Orton
J. B. Smith
William Smith
Harvey Stanley
Jedediah Grant
Lyman Johnson (h)
Lyman Sherman
Joseph Hancock
Brigham Young
Lyman Smith
H. C. Kimball
Lorenzo Booth
Zera S. Cole
Leonard Rich
Harrison Burgess
Alden Burdick
Hiram Winters
William F. Cahoon
Harpin Riggs
Libeus T. Coon
Nathan B. Baldwin
Benjamin Winchester
James L. Thompson
Henry Shibley


Burr Riggs
Lewis Robbins
Darwin Richardson
Joseph Young
Alexander Badlam
Solomon Angell
John Parker
Levi Hancock
Daniel Stevens
Bradford Elliott
Hiram Stratton
David Elliotte
Luke Johnson (h)
Almon Babbitt
Orson Hyde (h)
Sylvester Smith
David W. Patten (h)
Wm. Pratt
S. W. Denton
[Joseph] Bates Nobles
Elias Hutchings
Charles Kelly
Ezra Thayer
John Murdock
H[azen] Aldrich
J. Salisbury
P. Buchanan
P. P. Pratt (h)





Sing "Hark listen to the trumpeters they call for volunteers," closing prayer by President Hyrum Smith.



Lucy Decker is listed by the GEDCOM files as being a wife of Solomon Angell.
Lucy Ann Decker was 20 when she became Brigham's first polygamous wife, 14 Jun 1842. She was previously married to and divorced from William Seeley. She was well organized and efficiently ran the Lion House. Her younger sister, Clarissa (Clara) Decker, became Brigham's 4th polygamous wife two years later, at age 16, and crossed the plains with him and her mother, Harriet Wheeler Decker Young, Lorenzo's wife, in the vanguard company. Her statue is part of the "This is the Place" monument.
Mary Ann Angell was the sister of Salt Lake Temple architect, Truman O. Angell. Brigham's first wife died before he joined the Church. Mary was his second wife. She bore him 6 children. Brigham's first wife, Miriam Works, bore him 2 children before she died in 1832.

Following are some interesting peculiarities, found in posted church records, concerning Solomon Angell, the General Authority.

Would a General Authority in the church marry out of the Covenant?  I don't think so, but some LDS GEDCOM records lists the entire family's ordinance work being done after they were all dead.  Pretty far -fetched, wouldn't you think?

It only makes sense that Grandpa Sol was born In The Covenant, however, the records I've found claim that Grandma Lucinda was baptized in 1993 and endowed in 1994, and Grandpa Solomon was baptized in 1967.  The same GEDCOM record shows that Grandpa Solomon was endowed, in the Endowment House, in 1851. It's mighty funny that he could receive his endowments without being baptized!

According to the GEDCOM records, Grandpa Solomon's first wife Eunice gave birth to 10 of his children.  The records state that their marriage was in 1852; she would have been 41 & Grandpa  46.  Their first child was supposedly born in 1831, in Rhode Island.  Their last child was supposedly born in 1847, on The Plains.  According to the GEDCOM records, Eunice must have slipped out on The Plains and delivered two other children, one in 1844 and one in 1845.  Grandpa Solomon  arrived in Utah in 1848. Did he spend 4 years on The Plains? Other records list their marriage date as 1824, Eunice would have been 13!  These records are out in left-field!


I've spent considerable time on the church's Temple-Ready program.  I have 60 pages of names that I'm trying to clean up by removing duplicate names, nonexistent people, and other obvious mistakes.  Hopefully in this day and age of computers, the church records can be made more accurate.  If there are so many mistakes surrounding a  General Authority of the Church, like Solomon Angell, one can imagine how many mistakes there are surrounding common members!

Mary Ann Angell, Grandpa Solomon's younger sister, was married to Brigham Young, who succeeded Joseph Smith, the President of the LDS Church.  She was Brigham Young's main wife.
Truman Osborn Angell , Grandpa Solomon's younger brother, became the leading architect of four temples: St. George, Logan, Manti, Salt Lake, and many other buildings. His modifications to the Salt Lake Tabernacle are credited with creating the perfect acoustics the building is famous for. He was one of the original pioneers to enter the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847.

 Horseback riding in Yellowstone Country: Harriman Ranch Outfitters